Writing/Posting Jobs

Today, many people online are willing to pay to get their content written and published. Why not join a site where you can get paid to write articles, resumes, proof read stories and websites and even write reviews.

Associated Content and  Elance are two websites that you can sign up for that will pay you to write content. Elance also will pay you to do numerous other things including proof reading and helping people by writing for them, whether it be for a blog, website or project.

Other types of websites that will pay you to write are myLot, which is a site where you get paid to partake in and create discussions, also Toluna, which is a newer site, which you can get points just for answering and creating polls along with the usual surveys.

Techdoctordeals.com is another community with a point based system which pays you for posting comments and  being active in discussions.